Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD) Department is entrusted with the responsibility of urban sector management.
The main responsibilities of the Dept. are:
- To administer and monitor the activities / functions of all the above HODs /UDAs / Municipal Corporations / Municipalities and issue necessary directions and orders for better civic administration and sustainable urban development
- To make necessary Budget Provision to all the HODs for taking up various development activities in their jurisdiction for development of urban areas
- To grant administrative sanctions for taking up various Projects / Developmental works
- To approve the Master Plans of UDAs / ULBs and make necessary modifications to the same as and when required
- To enact Laws and formulate new Policies / Rules / Regulations for better civic administration by ULBs and for proper development of urban areas
- To constitute new UDAs / ULBs for proper development of urban areas
- To co-ordinate with the Finance Department for raising loans for taking up various projects by HODs
- To co-ordinate with the Government of India for getting GoI grants and external funding for taking up various developmental activities / projects in urban areas
- To co-ordinate with all the other departments for better civic administration and urban development
To accept appointment as trusteeas and to act as trustees for trusts or other funds, including but not limited to municipal funds and for that purpose to set up, promote, settle and execute trusts and device various schemes for raising funds in any manner from person, bodies corporate, trusts, societies, association of persons in India and to collect moneys by way of contributions, loans and otherwise for and on behalf of trusts or other funds and to deploy the monies/funds raised and earn reasonable returns, on their investments and to acquire, hold manage, dispose of all or any property or assets. To act as consultants, financial advisors and investment advisors and to render such consultancy, financial, and investment advisory services to individuals, companies, corporations, trusts, government, state, local authority, association, institution (whether incorporated or not) or any other agency or organisation and other entities.